Are you ready to discover your power and ignite your life?You want -

  • deeper connection

  • authenticity

  • clarity

  • more satisfaction

  • better relationships

smiling woman leaning against iron fence with sunset in background
empty bench casting shadows in park
  • connecting to your true nature

  • identifying and letting go of the stories and limiting beliefs that hold you back

  • aligning your energy with your vision

  • empowering you to confidently take action toward the life you deeply desire

I can help. You can change your life and I can show you how

My bespoke coaching is focused on: 

concrete steps next to green foliage

What does coaching look like?

yellow and white flowers in cream watering can

You set the agenda of what you want to work on -

It can be progress towards a goal, guidance through a life circumstance, or gaining clarity on why you feel stuck.

The work we do together is focused on YOU and what you want to achieve in our sessions.  You bring an open mind, curiosity, commitment, and motivation.

What I bring is my unique experience in deep listening and asking powerful questions to help you break through the cultural noise and find your inner wisdom.

As your coach, I partner with you to align your energy, listen to yourself, and take meaningful action.

I work with people who are ready to invest in their dreams and live the vibrant life they were made for.

You are the expert on YOU. You can harness your power and live the life you desire. I believe in you.

Whoa, this sounds serious. Is coaching right for me?

If you want to achieve clarity, get unstuck, and create the life you want, then YES!

Don’t worry – although I am seriously into helping women transform their lives (in big and small ways), I also know that life is absurd and we’ll definitely have fun in the process.

empty park bench creating shadows in wooded area
smiling woman sitting on concrete steps

What are the next steps?

Adirondack chairs sitting on a dock by a lake with mountains in background


lake with mountains in background

Complimentary Discovery Session

One hour

An opportunity to chat about your interest in life coaching and discover if we are a good fit. I want to get to know you and your dreams.

lake with fur trees in the background


Ignite: Change Accelerator

90-day Change Accelerator

  • The 90-day experience allows for meaningful engagement and development of a successful coaching relationship. This investment indicates that you are ready to dig in, take action and seek true change.

  • You bring a specific goal(s) to crush and I partner with you to ignite your energy, be accountable, overcome limiting beliefs and reach new levels that align with the true you.

  • All sessions are done via phone or video chat. 

lake surrounded by mountains


empty bench overlooking lake and mountains

Ongoing Coaching Programs

I offer 1:1 bespoke private coaching with options suitable to a variety of needs, including, single sessions, monthly and intensive programs.

To Answer Your Question…

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you don’t see the answer to your question here.

  • When I tell people that I am a life coach I get a lot of blank stares.

    At its core, coaching is forward focused and empowers you to find the most effective strategies to reach your goals.

    Coaching is an investment in yourself and your dreams. Just like an athlete uses private coaching to level up, a life coach trains you to improve your life and reach new levels of joy and satisfaction.

  • I’ve heard the comparison of life coaching and therapy offered in many ways.

    I like to think of it as the difference between a doctor treating a wound and a physical trainer helping you reach a goal.

    A therapist focuses on mental health and healing traumas, while a coach focuses on setting and achieving goals. Coaching is more action-oriented, while therapy is more insight-oriented.

  • All sessions are virtual and can be held via your choice of phone or video chat (Zoom or Google Meet).

    Before our first session I will send you some onboarding documentation to complete in order to maximize our time together.

  • It is vitally important to me that you feel comfortable in the coaching relationship, so please explore the information on this site and feel free to ask questions during our Discovery Session.

    My approach to coaching focuses on integrating your true nature with meaningful action within the process of change. Success in this space occurs with an open-minded and motivated client as well as a skillful and insightful coach.

    Learn more about me here.

  • Coaching is an investment in yourself and improving your life. Coaching is the bridge that takes you from ho-hum to extraordinary.

    That being said, to reach your own version of the stars you must be committed.

    Your one hour Discovery Session is complimentary. I want to get to know you, share my experience, and make sure we are a good fit. This is the first step for everyone.

    Ignite: Change Accelerator is a 90-day program that includes multiple coaching sessions and accountability tools. The investment in growth is $1,200.

    On-going bespoke coaching programs options vary.

  • And now for some fine print. The trained lawyer in me must address this directly.

    Payments: All payments for services and products are made in full and in advance. Only electronic payment methods such as Venmo; PayPal and credit card are accepted.

    Unless otherwise specified by me, all payments, including any initial deposits for coaching, retreats, and workshops, are non-refundable.

    If an error occurred in payment processing, please contact immediately for assistance.

    If you are ready to invest in yourself and experiences in life, say “yes” and show up – I will too. I’m committed to your growth, empowerment and happiness and I need you to be fully committed, too.

    True emergencies are addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Are you ready to transform your life?

Let’s talk! >>

empty bench by the edge of a lake

woman overlooking lake tahoe on sunny day

“If you want to live a life you have never lived, you have to do things you have never done.” -

- Jen Sincero

“…All appears to change when we change.”

- Henri-Frédéric Amiel